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Quantum Gravity


### Quantum Gravity ###

Hydrogen acts like either a (Particle) or (1s Orbital / Pulsating Puffball (Blown up balloon))

All to do with -e magnet and +p magnet and when spin match

Hydrogen (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched) Acts like (Particle) ###


Hydrogen (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched) Acts like 1s orbital / Pulsating Puffball (Blown up balloon)

              NN SS
              SS NN

Standing Wave Information (Forms Particle + Orbital 1s):

             [0] [0]  [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched)       <-|
             [0] [+1] [0] (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched)      |
             [0] [0]  [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched)         |
             [0] [-1] [0] (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched)    >-|
             ---           (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)  
             /^\           (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)
             ---           (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)  
             \V/           (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)
Hydrogen 2 molecule (-e magnets and +p magnet Matched) Acts like (Particle) ###

All to do with -e magnets and +p magnet and when spin matches

Hydrogen 2 molecule (-e magnets and +p magnet Matched) Acts like Particle

Hydrogen 2 molecule (-e magnets and +p magnet not Matched) Acts like 1s orbital / Pulsating Puffball (Blown up baloon)

              NNN SSS NSS SSN
              SSS NNN SNN NNS

Standing Wave Information (Forms Orbital 1s):

             [0] [0]  [0]  [0] [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched Particle)         <-|
             [0] [+1] [0] [-1] [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched 1s Orbital)     |
             [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched Particle)           |
             [0] [-1] [0] [+1] [0]  (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched 1s Orbital)   >-|
             -----           (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)  
             /^\             (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)
             -----           (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)  
                /^\          (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)
Helium molecule ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched) Acts like (Particle) ###

All to do with 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets and when spin matches

Helium molecule (2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched) Acts like Particle

Helium molecule (2 * -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched) Acts like 1s orbital (No Pulsating)


Standing Wave Information (Forms Orbital 1s):

             [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle)         <-|
             [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)     |
             [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle)           |
             [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)     |
             [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle)           |
             [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)     |
             [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0] [0]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets Matched Particle)           |
             [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0] [-1] [0] [1]  [0]  ( 2* -e magnets and 2* +p magnets not Matched 1s Orbital)   >-|
             ---------       (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)  
             /^\   /^\       (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)
                \V/   \V/
             ---------       (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)
                /^\   /^\    (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)
             \V/   \V/
             ---------       (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)
             /^\   /^\       (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)
                \V/   \V/
             ---------       (-e magnet and +p magnet Matched = Particle)
                /^\   /^\    (-e magnet and +p magnet not Matched = 1s Orbital)
             \V/   \V/

??? All Elements and molecules are Particles when magnetic paticles match otherwise they form an orbital e.g. 1s,1p ... etc. ???

??? Proves Quantum Gravity ???

??? Proves Single / Double Slit properties ??? (talk) 01:29, 6 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]